\"A Shadow Melody\" thriller audiobook in English



Amazon, Audible, etc. I narrated and produced this audiobook thriller

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Over the course of the following week, Harry made several trips into town. He visited Mrs Hartley with a proposition. He visited Mr Albanese and placed an order. Also borrowing the Baker's phone to call Zanesville. Finally, he visited the church to talk with the pastor who agreed to a mid January date provided that both Elizabeth and Harry went through a brief period of spiritual counseling. A church wedding is the first step in rehabilitating our image with the townspeople. Harry said a proper ceremony and regular attendance will erase any negative perceptions. Elizabeth had her doubts but Harry promised her that most townspeople were like the Albanese family, hard workers with good hearts. Besides he added to know you is to love you. What about my family? She asked they are a separate issue. Then Harry explained his plan. Elizabeth would move in with Mrs Hartley until the wedding. The widow would be instrumental in making their new situation known since she possessed great skills in the art of rumor and gossip. She has been frosty to me as of late Elizabeth worried I spoke to her at length and she seems quite pleased to have such an important role in our rehabilitation. Harry said, smiling, I'll need a dress. Red velvet is nice. Harry said, when Elizabeth's expression fell, he smiled. I ordered you a wedding dress from the shop in Zanesville. He explained, we'll go there when the weather breaks, we'll make sure it's what you want. What about a reception? She asked the bride's family is supposed to host the reception. Once again, her expression fell. Mrs Hartley offered to serve as hostess. She plans an afternoon luncheon and tea and I ordered a fine cake from the bakers, two layers with pillars between them. Oh, how wonderful Elizabeth said. Then she frowned again, you are full of hesitations. He complained. Must I move in with Mrs Hartley? It's perfectly normal for a house maid to board at her place of employment, but it's not proper for a bride to be to live with her fiance before the wedding. Our situation has changed and we will follow custom Elizabeth side. If it snows, I might not be able to come here, the cottage and our research will suffer. It's not ideal. I agree, but I will make do I did so for some time before you arrived, I am feeling unneeded. She said her lower lip extended in a pout. He swept her into his arms. You are needed. We shall make the best of it. Then she vowed gazing into his eyes. If anyone asks, I'll tell them the bank's closed. Harry burst out laughing, no kissing or hugging Elizabeth's knowledge of slang was one more bit of wordplay that endeared her to him. On the following day, the hired carriage arrived to ****** Elizabeth to the widow's cottage. Harry accompanied her and helped the carriage driver unload her things. The widow Hartley scurried around giving directions in full bluster which Harry took as a sign that she was quite happy to have a house guest to direct, having had no one under foot since her husband's demise. Afterward, the carriage took Harry to town. He stopped to purchase lumber and other supplies which were then delivered. One final task remained the bed he'd purchased for Elizabeth's room was quite superior to the one he'd often avoided in his own room. The carriage driver helped Harry move the good bed to Harry's room and left with the other bed in tow, having a wholly unsatisfactory cot of his own at home that could now be replaced.