Commercial/Radio Demo

Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I'm your idea. Thanks for thinking of me. Of course not everyone understands me or understands my potential immediately, but that's no reason to throw me away. Whether you have a big idea or you're seeking one X center helps turn innovations into results. If you find yourself in conversation on a word like splendid or smashing slips out, don't worry. You can even let slip the whole phrase like L. You being cheeky without thinking twice about it. And at the Jaguar London calling sales event, there are exceptional values on the entire Jaguar lineup with dozens of holiday sense. We truly have something. For every knows. Get two weeks seasonal candles for 5.9. Pier one. This is me. It's like there's a Bermuda Triangle letter house that makes all the sippy cups vanish into thin air. I mean, I can't keep track of him. One minute I have a lid in the cup part, but no plastic stopper thinking. Then another time, I have to lids one stopper and no cuffs. Now, if all this makes sense to you one I feel for you and two, I have some advice. Diapers dot com baby bucks way are a sunny family. We are definitely a sunny family. Sunny D has been part of family since 1964. It's the bright, shining taste that lights up kids of any age in great flavors like orange, mango and orange strawberry.