Animation & Videogame Demo

Profile photo for De Voice
Not Yet Rated


Demo showing a range of pitch and accents in character, appropriate for animation and/or video game projects

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello. Phone call operator. Thank you for calling phone com. How can I direct your call? Thank you. We could really use your help looking for clues. Open the file when you're ready to get started, Detective. Give me one good reason why I to trust you. You take that back. You leave feeding son of a He suffered from a fatal cause of being killed. No mini gun, gatling, laser ******, incinerator, missile launcher, Fat man, orbital laser strike designator, Super sledge, Ionic target painter or turbo plasma rifle. Okie dokie mr Rocky. Let's put these rocks back in their places. What do you know about marbles? Old woman. I said I wanted chocolate strawberry. The whole system just makes me feel insignificant. Vanish. The a little trip man. We had fun. We were happy, but it's over.