English UK

Profile photo for JAY THAMBIAH
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An Intro to My Voice

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hello and thanks for stopping by. This is Jay from London, England, unveil the power of words with a voice that transcends boundaries and captures attention. I bring a dynamic and versatile voice to your project. A palette of tones ready to paint your narrative in vivid hues whether you seek the resonant authority of a commanding voice or the nuanced warmth of a friendly companion. I am here to breathe life into your script. Let's embark on a journey where every word is not just spoken but felt, creating an immersive experience for your audience. Your story deserves a voice that resonates captivates and leaves a lasting impression. Let's bring your words to life. Step into a world of depth and warmth as the captivating resonance of my voice takes center stage. I bring the rich tapestry of British intonation to your project. Infusing it with a touch of class and charm. Let your words come to life with a distinctive warmth and refined articulation that my voice does so well. Embark on an audio journey where every syllable is wrapped in the elegance of the queen's English. Welcome to a voice that not only speaks but in chants Thank you.