BBC Radio Drama - radio play excerpt

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An excerpt from a radio play - playing the character Mrs Wilson

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Irish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
No, nothing. Not a word. She's been curled up like that for the last two hours. And there's been no sign of any change. None whatsoever. Mr. Hadley Field wants to present it to the council. And that's all he wants, isn't it? Sorry to present her to the council. The rest are work here. It's just a sort of frippery, isn't it? Shouldn't be speaking like this, Mrs Wilson. We have abducted and imprisoned an 18 year old girl, Trent. Now, don't tell me that doesn't weigh upon your conscience upstairs within the hour. Well, then Mr Haden Field could come down and take her himself because I want no further part of this. Mrs. Wilson, is it? Wilson? James, what kind of people are you to keep that poor girl locked up like this? You were to stand away from the glass right now so we can do for you, Mr. You know this man? She's coming with me right now. Security. We can't leave her here like that. Hold on. Prayer. Hold on. Get out of here. Trends