Explainer Video - Shape Stearns with Civic Brand

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Explainer video I voiced for Civic Brand. It's a friendly, informative read about a county wide project.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US Upper Midwest - Fargo, Minnesota)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Stearns Counties Comprehensive Plan, also known as shapes, turns 2040 provides citizens and prospective citizens of the county with a broad vision of its future. The document is used by county leaders and staff as they make future decisions regarding land use, regulations and development. Natural resource is parks and trails and other community assets. In order to develop a comprehensive plan that truly represents the ideas of all stakeholders. We engaged in met with a variety of audiences. We did so through public meetings, township board workshops, community events and on digital platforms. It was key that every voice was heard through our extensive conversations with the public. Five pillars were developed for the comprehensive Plan, living, agriculture, nature, business and connectivity. The pillars articulate the county's vision for the year 2040. The pillars are further described through a series of focus areas. The focus areas provide direction and helping achieve the pillars Vision statement. The pillars also help describe the future land use plan map. The map designates all land outside incorporated areas into specific land use categories. This map will guide land use decisions for the next 20 years while the land use decision factors will help both property owners and county leaders determine if a proposed project aligns with a comprehensive plan. Combined the pillars and land use decision factors allow for flexibility and interpretation in our land. Uses the draft shapes turns 2040. Comprehensive plan is available at shapes turns dot com Now is your time to provide comments and feedback as we look to adopt the plan in July. You can also visit the site to keep up with the progress of the plan's implementation after adoption, thanks to everyone who helped make and who is making shapes turns 2040 our reality.