A final message from a father for his daughter before dying

Profile photo for Ehab Adel
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is a short film in form of a message a father leaving for his daughter before he dies. I voiced the father

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Where can I even start From the moment I heard you crying for the first time I fell in love. I wanted to put my arms around you and protect you from the whole world. I wanted you grow to be this stubborn woman in a tiny girl's body. Your eyes will suddenly light up with curiosity when you ask me questions about the universe, I always try to answer the best I could and to encourage you to ask more. You loved space and the stars. Please do not let this hold you back from exploring the secrets of the universe. A dying planet is currently threatening our existence. We ran out of options except for this one last shot and it had to be me. But in doing so, I have to live with the fact that I won't see you again. Just know that this was the hardest decision I had to take in my entire life. I have to say goodbye to all the memories we had together, all the places I watched you grow older in, but I couldn't help myself to say goodbye to you. I was not that brave. That is why I'm leaving you this final message to ask for your forgiveness. In less than 30 seconds I'm going to die. But I'm doing so so you can live so live life to the fullest and remember that I will always be your guiding star. I love you