One slide of many used for an online course at a US university

Profile photo for Elazar Harel
Not Yet Rated


Good voice, good pace, sense of humor

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
slight. Six confused. That's probably because the answer is both. Currency is complicated and it is often debated where, whether it should be viewed as continues or discreet, one U. S dollar may be broken into sense. Pennies are the smallest elimination we can exchange. However, gas prices are listed in 10th of Sense one divided by 1000 over US dollar, and stocks are generally traded in hundreds of sense one divided by 10,000 for US dollars. With cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, trading occurs in one millionth off a unit. Precision off measurement is not an indicator of data type, however, while currency is traded in fixed intervals, these are artificial constructs to enable efficient and controlled exchange. The day of scientists must determine the appropriate treatment of currency, both with an analytical processes as well as in meaningful reporting. Essentially, while continues, analytics processes are applied. Final reporting should be rounded to the appropriate precision tow. Avoid confusion