Health Industry - Race Disparity - English (Spanish Accent)

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Health Industry - Race Disparity - English (Spanish Accent)

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Caribbean (General) Spanish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There is significant health care disparity in this country. Black and Hispanic patients are at the greatest risk for poor health outcomes. Yet clinical studies are still 85% white. We are left to treat our diverse patient populations. Using research that offers only a partial picture of the effectiveness of certain drugs. Has the demographics of the nation and the world change. These disparities and the negativity impacts on our patients will only compound unless we change this. Now, it is imperative that patients in clinical studies mirror the growing diversity of the world so that we have a more complete understanding of how treatments will impact our diverse patients. To do this. We need to change the system, to change the system. We need you, we need you to have more and better conversations about the importance of clinical research, conversations about the importance of clinical research, study participation with your Black and Hispanic patients.