Articulate, Descriptive, Thoughtful Audiobook & Narration Female Demo



My Audiobook and Narration Demo, which includes Elephants of Kilimanjaro, SEO instructions, and Galileo biography.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
a young elephant takes its first wobbly steps after birth in the Heartland of Kilimanjaro, named after its majestic mountain. Also the highest peak in all of africa. This little elephant will enjoy all that the region has to offer, including semi arid savannas and wetlands, growing up amidst several diverse ecosystems that connect the circle of life in Kilimanjaro. Other inhabitants, great and small of this beautiful Heartland are lions, cheetahs, the striped hyena giraffes, and an assortment of avery creatures such as the eagle and hawk, all of which will influence the life of our little friend. One of the most important aspects of search engine optimization. S. C. O. Is optimizing your page content. Optimizing simply means putting the keywords you've selected into your web pages in the right places with the right formatting. The first thing To understand is that you should only use 1-2 search terms to optimize each page. Once you've selected a page to optimize, and the search terms you're going to use, all you have to do is put those words in the right places of the HTML code. And you're done Like many other philosophers who greatly extended our knowledge of nature, Galileo had a remarkable aptitude for the invention of instruments designed for philosophical research to facilitate his practical work. We find that in 1599 he had engaged a skilled workmen who was to live in his house and be constantly at hand to try the devices which were forever springing from Galileo's fertile brain