Animation Demo

Profile photo for Eric Carlino
Not Yet Rated


Written by Eric Carlino & Rebecca Davis
Directed & Produced by Rebecca Davis
Engineered & Edited by Dale Epperson

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Russian Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ha ha. Don't say Lord. I know exactly what you want. Silver silk shirt with a ruffle color. Black trousers with a double player on the bottom. Oh and a fox fur ruffled. Of course. Well buddy, you can build whatever you want uh playing a race card at airport. Your only limit is your imagination. I'm telling you, mike. I hate this kind of thing. It's not like anybody liked Frankie. Anyway. I know what I'm saying. Uh I'm not going uh Sir, do we have to go in there? Maybe we can just put some uh cookies at the entrance and cooks them out? Yeah. That don't work. If it be made of beef, then why do you call it a hamburger? Shouldn't you be calling it a beef burger? Humans make no sense. I told you if you came back, I find you, Did you think you could ever find a life beyond this cave? Fools! My father always told me if you're not running with the world's, you are the one who gets caught. Now come your we must keep moving. Hey, you told me that there was going to be comfy. I'm sorted down here. You like to me, You lying? Yeah.