Engaging and Educational Podcast

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As a voiceover artist, my voice is perfect for podcasting because it is engaging and educational. My lively and dynamic style is able to hold the listener's attention and keep them engaged, while my clear and informative delivery makes me the perfect choice for educational content.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, welcome to the simple truth, I'm julie Carruth in Philippians. Chapter three paul paints this vivid picture of an athlete running the race of their life, keeping their eyes on the prize ahead of them and just like that runner giving everything they've got to cross the finish line, paul runs the race of his life, giving everything he has to pursue christ likeness while here on earth in Philippians chapter three verse 13 paul says he never looks back at his past achievements or his past mistakes, he made the decision that his one goal was to know christ and experience him in all his fullness. And paul writes in Philippians chapter three verse 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which christ has called me heavenward in christ jesus, Have you ever trained for a race or maybe you know someone who trained, I have this friend whose one desire is to run the hurdles in the olympics, and every decision she makes is in light of her desire to win that gold medal. I mean she urns with this passion and she thinks about it constantly and she turns down anything that stands in her way of being an olympic medalist, she trains rigorously and as she does her physique transforms into the body of a champion and your to do the same, but instead of running a physical race, you're running a spiritual race each day you wake up and you commit knowing christ more, you study his word, you worship you talk with him throughout the day and as you continually do these things, your spiritual physique is being transformed into the image of christ and instead of running your race for a prize that will literally face fadeaway here on earth, your prize waits for you in heaven and that is a life lived in eternity with christ jesus. So your simple truth for today, just like a runner who keeps their eye on the goal of winning the race, you press on keeping your focus of becoming more like christ each day until one day you receive the ultimate price. An eternal life with christ. Can you even imagine? Hey, if you've enjoyed these podcasts, be sure to hit that subscribe button each day you spend learning more about God is an opportunity to become more like christ. Have a blessed day. I'll see you soon.