Financial Services Sales Training Sample

Profile photo for Frank Phillips
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Video Narration


Conversational style, e training content for financial services company. Business-like yet relaxed persuasive style showcasing even modulation, professional services company tone and steady easy to comprehend tempo.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome back, everyone. In this next segment, we're going to be looking at the evolution of our selling methodology. Like we said before, upstarts target demographic is millennials on. How they want to be sold to is unlike any generation before them. In fact, many of you may be millennials or be just like millennials yourselves. And that's why you're a good fit for this job. You're the kind of consumer who's checking online reviews, looking at a company's instagram, Facebook and Snapchat and really buying into a company's branding and ethos before you're sold. That's why Upstart preaches a relationship focused sales strategy. Well, equip you with the time resources and back up to build strong, authentic relationships with potential clients instead of pushing a product at all costs. It's integral that our clients have a really normal human first interaction with our sales staff, where we simply tell them what we're offering and educate them on the state of the start up scene in their market. It's absolutely vital that you don't rush the first date at upstart. Interested clients have seen our instagram ads. They get it. We want to make them feel like they're having a link up with a body in a coffee shop