I've been an actor for several years, primary language is English.

Profile photo for FREDDY L ROBINSON
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I did this demo because I love doing doing different voices. I'm also great with imitations and often find myself randomly doing voices for people when people watching, and watching animals in nature. Simply put, I love it and I have fun doing it!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (US General American - GenAM) US African American


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
If 12 jumbo jets crashed every year, something would be done about it. Every year, nearly 6000 teens die in automobile accidents. We can all help stop teen driving deaths. And the good news is we can start today. It's time to make the world a safer place to drive. That's Allstate stand. Allstate. You're in good hands. Hey, if life were perfect magazines would never smell like perfume, dogs would walk themselves and algebra would really come in handy. Well, look on the bright side, at least there's m still light. It only has 95 calories, but you still get real imported taste. You don't give up a thing who says nothing's perfect. Am still light. The ghost haunting Colligan Castle in Clarence Field. Scotland died trying to get out him and arranged marriage. In 15 64 Marion Carruthers, a local noble woman was on the verge of being forced into the marriage when she disappeared. Her body was found a few months later. Locals say that because she was never given a proper funeral. Her spirit still roams the many passageways chambers and spiritual staircases enclosed within the castle's 12 ft thick stone walls today the castle is run as a three star hotel and is a popular wedding and honeymoon spot. Guests spend their days fishing, riding horses or golfing on the three nearby courses. Later guests retired to the 12 suites, thankfully equipped with all the modern conveniences despite the castle's age, but with the wind blowing through 100 and 20 acres of secluded grounds and perhaps the faint cry of the anguished Marion Carruthers. Some guests may find it hard to sleep. Some might choose a lecture or a documentary film to tell the story of 100 20 fakers. Some might choose a lecture or a documentary film to tell the story of 100 25 years of winemaking. We prefer a glass at Barringer. We are proud to be the only winery ever to win wine Spectators. Number one wine of the year for both the Cabernet and the Chardonnay. But our greatest achievement lies in knowing that everything we've learned is yours to enjoy. Each time you pour a glass of our wine Barringer, all we are in every bottle. The greatest risk is not taking one. They gave up everything, their families, their friends, their homes, the villages they were born in, they arrived with only the clothes on their backs, vulnerable, scared, but brimming with hope and determined that a better life was within their grasp today, risk takers don't have to go after their dreams alone. They can rely on a business partner to help them through uncharted waters. An organization with unsurpassed insight and financial resources. One with the ability and flexibility to design specific solutions to help minimize risk for almost any business undertaking. So the next time you decide to venture into new territory for an idea you believe in call A IG, we're best equipped to help you manage the uncertainties that go along with the pursuit of hopes and dreams. Micro goals are short term clear cut objectives accomplished on a daily basis. These tasks are able to bridge the gap between an individual and successful productivity. If the main goal is to lose weight, for example, just lose weight is too abstract and obscure to be an effective goal to strive to reach. It may even prove to be demotivating for the individual leaving them feeling like a failure. But how much does this what? But how much does this person? Micro goals are short term, clearcut objectives accomplished on a daily basis. These tasks are able to bridge the gap between an individual and successful productivity. Now, if the main goal is to lose weight, for example, just lose weight is too abstract and obscure to be an effective goal to strive to reach, it may even proved to be demotivating for the individual, leaving them feeling like a failure. But how much weight does this person want to lose? How will they do this? It's important to have both specific primary and micro goals. Here's a good example of both. Let's say this person's primary goal is to lose 6 kg in three months. The definitive steps that a person must undertake to do so are their micro goals. Thus, this person's micro goals are to run one kilometer every day while maintaining a daily diet of 1000 calories per meal. A new spin on the earth's rotation. Welcome to the tropics of Alaska. The sand dunes of Siberia, imagine a shift in the earth so profound that it could force the entire planet to spin on its side. A new report from a Princeton Geoscience team gives us the first real evidence that this kind of major shift happened some 800 million years ago. This theory is called true polar wander. It says that if an object of sufficient weight such as a supersized volcano ever formed, far from the equator, the planet would tilt and rotate itself until the extra weight was located at the equator. Although it's unlikely to occur any time soon. They say it could happen again before you pack your beach blanket for Alaska. Know that a shift like this would take some 5 million to 20 million years. Wow. My aching back isn't aching for a change. I put on a ThermaCare heat ramp, it heated up my pain and melted away. The wrap stays hot for eight hours and the pain relief lasts for 16 and it's heat. I can take absolutely anywhere which is more than I can say for a hot shower. The heat goes with me. The pain stays behind ThermaCare heat wrap. Their stories are hung, their stories are hung on clothes lines all over the world written on t-shirts waving like prayer flags in the wind. The clothesline project began as a creative way to educate others about domestic violence. It's become a way to celebrate a woman's strength to survive and the courage to break the silence that often surrounds her experience. Many survivors feel that making a shirt has been a vital part of their healing and recovery process. Friends and families hang the shirts to honor the women they've loved and maybe even lost. Starting a clothesline project in your community is one way to give women who've been hurt or killed a voice and a place to be heard and seen. This powerful display serves as both a moving tribute and a vital means of conveying the enormity of the problem. Help break the cycle of violence against women. Hang it out to dry. The Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in the path of righteousness for his name's sake. Yay, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for you are with me, your rod and your staff. They comfort me. You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies, you anoint my head with oil. My cup runs over surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever. Hey man, Jamaica, an island of extraordinary beauty, colorful flowers, cascading waterfalls, dramatic mountain ranges and spectacular seascapes, an island of romance and enchantment. Jamaica. Jamaica is a third largest island in the Caribbean located just south of Cuba. Daily flights arrive from New York, Miami, San Juan, Toronto, Montreal and London into Jamaica's two airports in Montego Bay and Kingston on our island. You can party all night or you can have a quiet romantic evening maybe rocking into reggae suits your style or how about strolling through a posh plantation while seeping a mango margarita? No, it's not the dream. It's paradise. It's Jamaica and air. Jamaica is waiting to whisk you away on your choice of nonstop flights from New York to Montego Bay for only $199. Now that you don't have to sell your soul to get to paradise, what are you waiting for? Call your travel agent or air Jamaica at 1 800 jet away?