Offline is a new luxury

Profile photo for Devashri Borse
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In the world of social media, we have forgotten the importance of being in moment. And this is really affecting our mental health. So, it is very important to give ourself a break from social media and learn to live in present and enjoy it.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi) Indian (Hinglish)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
many offers start of a day with social media. We invest so much of our time and energy on social media. We fall a lot of people and try to compare their lives with this and which, if we could have what they have and if forget what we have, you should remember that social media is an illusion. No one post there for Lu was sad faces on social media. Everyone just try to show how happy and Lucky daya There are a lot of people out there who are not happy, real life as they show on social media. There are couples out there will post lovey lovey surface. But in real life they may not be happy together. There are people who will post pics to shot their luxurious lifestyle, but in reality that trying hard to pay depts so don't believe everything that to see on social media. It is deceiving. In many people are facing mental health issues and self esteem. Issues are made issues as they compare their lives with the one the follow social media. People are trying hard to quit past surface to look like celebrities. They are trying to look perfect all the time and spending all of the time. Capturing movement is rather than enjoying it, and then they're complaining of sorrow. Boring their life is use social media but own led it a fake you a life or you're surfing, mating, bad manner. Understand? No one is perfecting this world, so never tried to be perfect was imperfection. Israel Beauties shoot off your phone for some time. Read something new Lo and something new in child free movement. Spent time in your lowers. Do something creative, appreciate ability of nature. Find out your purpose and give you a life, a meaning. And that's how you will become happy. Learn to be happy rather than portraying that too happy Don Loser owns up because of social media. Instead, go in search of yourself, and that's how he would find yourself. I know it's hard for people to go offline as they are addicted to be on in all the time. It becomes difficult, forces people to be on their own, define it hard to enjoy their own company and then start feeling lonely. They can't make peace with themselves, was a really don't know how to do it, and that's why I thing off line is a new actuary that only few people can afford. And if you want, afford it. Excuse yourself from outer world and connect with your inner world.