Radio interview as astronomy expert for local radio station



This is a section of an interview on astronomy topics and education. I was an astronomy professor and was often called upon to be the guest to talk about what was going on in the sky.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Okay, Tim, what's going on? Aliens. Yes. Um, and we were talking about this at the break. Uh, one of my least favorite things in astronomy is called the Drake Equation. Uh, Dr Drake came up with this in the in the, uh, 19 fifties, I believe. Thio explain. We're not explain, but just kind of think about how how much intelligent life there could be in the universe. And, uh, he basically used ones for the whole formula. You know, stars in our galaxy that could have planets and the number of those planets that could support life and the number of those life supporting planets that could have, uh, intelligent life in the number of those intelligent life forms that could become, uh, you know, technologically advanced. And there's actually about 10 parts, this whole equation, and, uh, it actually comes up with a pretty large number. And in recent studies, though, shown if we're looking out there, uh, well, right now there's there's almost 1000 exoplanets. There's there. Every start we look at seems to have planets around it. And Drake said it was 1% in his little formula. Well, we know now. That's probably around 95% white. Why the big disparity? One? Because no one no one was able. Thio, Look, we have no way Thio to discover planets until, like, the last 10 years around other stars anyway. And so Drake just just popped a one in there. That it was 1%. Hey, was being really conservative, I guess what really bugs me and I'm kind of bidders that he won a Nobel Prize for coming up with a formula that you couldn't prove one. Give that man a medal. Yeah, so that no one gives me Nobel Prizes for coming up with cool ideas. But you want a Nobel Prize for the Drake equipment? Yeah, but we're looking at these planet. We're looking at stars now, nearby the sun, and they've all got planets and a lot of them have, you know, near earth sized planets. And we're getting better discovering planets that are, you know, almost almost exactly earth sized. And in that that Goldilocks zone around a star, the place where