E-learning reel



Several audio clips within the context of E learning and education.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
in the text. The Gregorian calendars method for deciding when to add a leap year is described as an idiosyncrasy. This means it is a unique and individual part of the calendar. It's what makes the calendar different from others. Have another girl. How does the word idiosyncrasy help you answer the question. It was early in the morning. A few stray snowflakes floated down over wall about bay. Cletus Smith shivered. She pulled her head further down to cover her face. This was unusually cold weather for New York in October. She crossed the harbour as quickly as she could, narrowly missing a pile of horse dung as a soldier brushed past there. Normally, Pleader would have made a comment. Today, however, she couldn't risk being spotted and the water's edge. Clinton tied a small growing boat she began to peddle towards a gigantic ship in the distance. The prefix over can tell you okay, how much there is of something B when something happened. See that something was done badly. D what something looks like, or e. I'm not sure