Explainer Promo Voiceover for crypto tech company The DIVI Project

Profile photo for Gigi Jepson
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Video Narration


Explainer video to promote and introduce The DIVI Project to the Tech Crypto Currency Industry, includes detailed description of technology.
- British accent
- Articulate
- Business
- Authoritative
- Artificial Intelligence

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
technology is moving so fast. Artificial intelligence cars that drive themselves and it's found in 25 years with nobody having a computer yourself. Everybody, 10 years from now, nobody's gonna be using cash or credit cards. Decentralized cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and divvy are gonna be the main form of currency. Theo Internet Revolution has evolved everything. Music, video, communication, home based business to online gaming. Now money is the next revolution. It's here, and it's happening. It's called decentralized currents. It's going to be everywhere. It's very, really unstoppable, actually. Defeat Project for Penance Block Changle. This is the code. You know what many start ups there are using Older block chains that air have their own issues and are kind of getting bogged down by a lot of the flaws of the technology. We wanted to start from scratch. Build something from the ground up. That way we have full control over everything, and, you know, the user then also has a brand new experience. The platform and smart will it. This is the user experience. That's how you send to receive money. Everything is contained within the smart wallet. The entire ecosystem is accessible right from your smartphone, the network economy. So did he is the first Cryptocurrency to offer a tiered master note system where the more you stake, the more you earn. With that, you'll be able to basically qualify for our lottery block system, where every week we give away a life changing amount of coins, somebody supporting the network decentralized. It's a peer to peer platform where you can sell your goods and service is we like to call it D commerce. Um, there's no middleman. So it's really cool about B to me is that you know, I use Amazon a lot, and this is kind of like that. Except you don't need that intermediary. You could just buy and sell directly from person to first defeat. Project is here to bring crypto to the masses, and we will bring the amazing power of this technology to billions of ordinary people. It really is the next step for Krypton. This is what needs to happen in order for us to move into the mainstream with Debbie Project, we've simplified crypto currency. In turn, this will cause mainstream adoption. The most difficult barrier is explaining. Explaining all this high tech Burbage into laymen's But if he does, it's designed. It really is Kryptonian Dippy Project, a revolutionary new Krypton made easy for everyone.