Greg Melton-Instructional


Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
how to build tracking prior to tracking your belt. Be sure the take ups and tail pulley are square to the conveyor frame. First, be sure the belt is empty and running. Start at the tail of the conveyor and move from one, either to the next towards the head in the direction of belt travel. Then check return roles while working from head back to tail, checking for belt misalignment If you notice the belt is running off center in one particular location, shutdown conveyor. In this example, the belt is off the edge of the return role. As we get closer to the tail pulley, the belt continues to show signs of misalignment. Here the belt has moved closer to the bracket when looking at the either behind the tail poli, the belt has moved over too far to the left to track the belt. You want to use the handlebar training principle When you steer your bike, the direction in which you want to go is the direction you turn your handlebars. The same goes for belt. Tracking the direction you want your belt to go is the direction you shift your idlers turn the either towards the left, the belt shifts left turned the either towards the right. The belt shifts right. You always want to make sure you're adjusting the idlers and return rules in accordance to belt travel direction. For example, when you adjust your idlers, you'll be shifting them towards the head poli. But when you adjust the return rules, you'll be shifting them towards the tail pulley because belt travels towards the tail. In our example, the belt is too far to the right and is close to the edge of the return role. After adjustments have been made, run the belt for three revolutions, recheck for belt misalignment by starting at the tail and working your way down to the head poli. It can take several adjustments before belt is centered on the head and tail pulley. If the belt is running and staying centred on the head pulley, you're ready to go on to the next step. Be sure the material is being loaded on the center of the belt at the tail section, started the tail of the conveyor and move from one either to the next towards the head in the direction of belt travel. Then check return roles while working from head back to tail, checking for belt misalignment. If further adjustments are needed, shut down the machine and make necessary adjustments to the idler or return role and restart the machine. Let the machine run three revolutions to see if it is a line. Once the return rolls idlers tail pull in head pulley are all centered. Your belt is tracked.