Storm Watters - Video Game Characters - devious, robot, computer, ai, evil, villain, funny, eccentric



Storm Watters - Video Game Characters - devious, robot, computer, ai, evil, villain, funny, eccentric

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
now that you're a bomb sniffing dog turned out to be a dead your frantic. Where'd she plant the bomb? Here's a hint. Look at your watch. Time's up. Beings that your planet knows as humans actually exist in a Petri dish in the Universal Laboratory. Theo experiment is a dismal failure. I have been ordered to destroy all evidence of its existence. 5432 one Children's fairytales, air evil. I used to read them when I was a guest at the asylum. Are you enjoying your pie? I learned that trick from the evil queen in Snow White. The old poisoned apple routine Now die. I love the nightlife. I love to boogie. So off I go into the night for cocktail time. Oh, to find Necas Lovely is the one I drink last night. What do we have here? Type A B. Very smooth and rare with a fruity finish