Joel Haberli Medical



Here I am spewing a lot of medical jargon and doing a pretty good job of it. I've done a lot of medical narrations over the years as I find them emotionally fulfilling and... oh, no wait... they pay money! Anyway, take a listen and hire me for your gig!

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This'll case features a large deep ulcer under the ball of the foot. The hyper callous trim is removed by the practitioner. This is a good illustration of a mixed field ulcer skin is extremely dry, overhanging room is removed completely and a breed mint continues. A tunneling area could be observed, which could be potentially highly extra data. So we'll need to apply something to absorb the extra date, but also to hydrate the surrounding areas without maceration. Perry Wound area is cleansed with beta dine solution and deluded beta nine saturates the Thera cause. This will provide some anti bio sis. In addition to controlling moisture in the wound, their regards is backed by four by four gauze and held in place by a four inch claim.