Huggies demo

Profile photo for Hayden M. Greene
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Radio Ad


A sample of commercial read for a corporate company.

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome baby. We're so glad you're here, meaning Earth World meet babies born, literally today, february 7th 2021 right now you're a pretty big deal around here and this voice you're hearing, it's us Huggies high. And between us and your parents will help you figure out this crazy world full of incredible stuff Huggies. We got you baby. Oh and football. It'll make sense later. Welcome baby. We're so glad you're here, meaning Earth World meet babies born, literally today, february 7th 2021. And right now you're a pretty big deal around here and his voice, you're hearing it's us Huggies high. And between us and your parents will help you figure out this crazy world of incredible stuff, Huggies. We got you baby. Oh and football. It'll make sense later.