Sultry, bad girl, no nonsense, bad ass

Television Ad


Jim Beam ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
label proof barrel number All important, but you should really judge a bourbon by the company it keeps. And if you find the crowd that likes to start conversations, finish their place, they carry quarters for the jukebox, bring firewood and ice. If they always mind their manners and sometimes tell bad jokes, then that sounds like the kind of company you find gathered around a bottle of being, you'll find they're the first to call and the last leave, happy to take a seat, willing to take a stand and always ready to make room for one more. So if you're bright or body a staunch character, an open mind. If you laugh a little louder, dig a little deeper, casts a long shadow, but never throw shade, think grab a glass and come as you are. Jim beam, come as you are.