Latinamerican English

Profile photo for Ignacio Nacho Sacchi
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A sample of my latin accent english.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) Spanish (Argentinian) Spanish (Latino) Spanish (Mexican)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know, everyone in less beggars knows when it comes to real Mexican food. There's only one name that comes to mind. Roberto Stacker Shop. Ah, authentic family dishes. Prepare Horton fresh every day. Served with fluff in Mexican style rice. On biz with your choice of corner Florida Attila's. It's Magnifico stopping today and be our guest to the best Mexican food. I'm friendly service in town. I want to talk about goals and motivation, challenges, successes, what we'd like here and maybe even what we don't like. Let's innovate and inspire. These are what we make. Chickens work. Welcome to the new employee training course. Today, scores will focus on conflicts off interest. For the next 15 minutes, you will explore the work life off company employees and on access. If she's experiencing conflicts off interest on the job, you will then complete a formal assessment to successfully complete discourse. You must achieve a score off 80% or higher. Click the start button to begin