Corporate Trainer

Profile photo for James Owen
Not Yet Rated


From a corporate training video I created. Written, voiced, and produced by myself.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Once you have supplier codes, metric categories and time periods selected, click go and your scores will display below the page header in each graph. The goal line is the target score for each metric. The goal for each metric is 100% with the exception of the ppm metric, which has a goal of zero. Selecting the grid view button will allow the user to see all metrics on one screen by hovering and clicking on the graphs, you can highlight specific data points and view individual scores. If you have access, you can view up to five supplier codes at once. When this option is used, toggle through the supplier codes in the score box to view the specific scores for each supplier. Trend lines for all supplier codes will be displayed on the graph. Regardless of which score you toggle in the score box. You can export the raw data to an Excel document or download the data in PDF for one or multiple supplier codes.