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From a detective novel to getting pet meds, there's A LOT to offer.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
He had the demeanor of a guy in a confessional. Too bad. I wasn't in the sin forgiving game. The cycle starts with the plan phase in which concrete management and maintenance activities are planned. This plan will subsequently be executed in the due phase. That's our car being hit by someone committing insurance fraud. They were staging an auto accident to collect insurance money circling the island. A streamlined assassin. The great white glides without leaving a ripple. Let's talk about what you'll need to have in order to enter the plant first. You'll need basic P pe that's long pants, a shirt with sleeves, ibis vest, steel toed boots and hard hat. Tune in for some groovy, smooth jazz and west coast. Cool. 98.1 F M. The preceding was a paid program. The opinion stated do not express the views of CNBC or its employees. Where do you get your pets flea taken heart worm medications order now and receive free shipping call. 1 to 800 pets.