Videogame Sample 4



Videogame Sample 4

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) Trans-Atlantic


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
ah fine. But next time I choose the location I prefer high school so I could recreate any anime action scene, it'll make me look super badass. They say don't try this at home. So I'm coming over to your house to try it. I've always wanted a second arcane mark. I have one here of my favorite four letter word. You can't see it right now, but trust me it's there. Excuse me, Do you have time to hear about your Lord and Savior? Skele? Daddy's 64 Yes, 69 was taken. Don't judge me, wow, these bozos will accept anyone off the streets these days. Tangle enough kitten memes in front of them, choke a guy out and bam you're in. If you could see me, you'll see that. I'm probably scratching my *** the area that all my evil plans come from. Fine. But next time I choose a location I prefer a high school so I can recreate any anime action scene. It'll make me look super badass. They say, don't try this at home. So I'm coming over to your house to try it. I've always wanted a second arcane mark. I have one right here. My favorite four letter word. You can't see it right now. But trust me it's there. Excuse me, do you have time to hear about your Lord and Savior? Skele Daddy's 64 Yeah, 69 was taken. Don't judge me, wow, these bozos won't accept anyone off the streets these days, dangle enough kid names in front of them and choke a guy out and bam you're in. If you could see me, you see that? I'm probably scratching my *** the area that all my evil plans come from.