James Lynch - Video Games Voice Reel (English, Gen Am, Scottish, AI)



James Lynch - Video Games Voice Reel
Featuring a range of accents including English (general), GenAm, Scottish as well as an AI voice and other non-human characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You should negotiate with them. Work out some kind of parlay Harley. You do well to remember your place, boy. As for you, Admiral, reflect on your choices. As you make your way to visit. Davy jones's locker. Hold your breath, Admiral. Stay low to the ground. Move quietly. Do not engage the enemy, I repeat. Do not engage the enemy. Conserve your ammo. Let's get ready to rumble. Who's ready to make some crazy cash with some destructive driving 3, 2... seat belts on. They won't help you anyway. Run ship diagnostics and see if we've taken damage elsewhere. Running ship diagnostics, engine, critical failure, cooling systems, critical failure or speed. Let me guess. Critical failure. Critical failure. If you can answer this riddle correctly, I'll let you go. But if you get it wrong, you'll be in my stomach quicker than you can say. Yeah, stay awhile, pull up a chair. It's no party without the birthday boy.