Jamie Olson Narration Demo, English speaking, adult male

Profile photo for James Olson
Not Yet Rated


Narration demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
judging by the movies, space is full of intergalactic warships doing battle for the future of the universe. But in reality, space is kind of empty, vast swaths of nothingness punctuated by rocky, desolate planets. That's not to say it's boring. However, For young men between the ages of 17 and 22, mental health is a huge issue. During this period. The male brain is going through extraordinary changes that leave them vulnerable to depression, anxiety, suicide, and high risk behavior. But there are steps young men can take. Here's a hot take Chicago is the ultimate american city. Think about it. It's got all the trappings of a world class metropolis with high tech companies and five star dining, but it's also got a blue collar soul, a midwestern charm that epitomizes the Heartland Neil. Gaiman initially wanted to write music biographies, but when his publisher went out of business, literally on the day his first book was released, Gaiman decided to pursue his first love science fiction. He started with short stories, but they soon blossomed into something bigger. Mhm