Characters: Grudging Wizard, Nerdy Copy Shop Owner, Asshole Executive
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Middle Aged (35-54)Accents
British (General) North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
God damn is coming. I said I'm coming afternoon. Mr accountable. Oh male Korea. Hello, you've got a nice stack of bills for you. You're looking extra pasty today. Everything okay, fine fine. Just rethinking my entire existence. Okay. What fully charged lingo? For what? Super forgetful ******. You guys go to the convention center tonight. Citizens of Earth, humanity has finally proven itself worthy of this greatest gift. You see, I lost it. I had a rhythm going and you just no, no, no, no, it's it's fine. Just give me a second. Humanity has finally proven to God dammit Koran, you messed me up. No, no, I didn't forget. It was a dramatic pause. I did like 20 of them in last night's tech rehearsal which you were at. So your surprises uh, surprising, frankly mad. Come on in. But let's make this quick. I got a meeting in 10. You don't know how to say strike two in japanese. Do you face? Plant avoided thanks. I don't do so well in small places. I'm lucio. My Mayes nats Jamion, owner of the cleanest phone in SAN sorry tease me. All you want is everyone should sanitize their phone at least three times a day. It was late afternoon when I got a call from the society, an incident overseas. Why the sudden activity after months of dead leads?