First Responders

Profile photo for Jason Leonetti
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I edited the written story of an 8 year old boy outside Manitoba Canada, who was almost killed due to drowning in 2009. I touched on the main aspects of the STARS response team, and how the medical helicopter played a crucial role in saving his life!
Then ended with STARS stands at the ready...

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Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In 2009, 8 year old Samuel was playing on the Bank of a Swollen Creek outside Manitoba when he fell in and was swept into a culvert. After 20 minutes of CpR SAM was lifeless while the nearest hospital was a two hour drive. Thanks to Stars Flood response deployment, A Stars helicopter touched down in a field where the boy lay unresponsive, a flying intensive care unit equipped with ultrasound blood supplies for transfusions, medications, monitors and ventilators, the most advanced critical care environment in the Manitoba skies. After 13 days in a Coma, Samuel Awoke. Stars. Red helicopter is a beacon of hope, but it's far more than that for patients on the darkest day of their life, 24 hours a day, stars stands at the ready for you, your friends and family.