Mega Man Pizza Hut

Profile photo for Joel Dickerson
Not Yet Rated


A display of different character voices. I dubbed over the 90s TV Mega Man cartoon. Not professional work, just experimenting.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Teen (13-17)


North American (General) North American (US New York, New Jersey, Bronx, Brooklyn) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you know, there's just no way that I'm gonna finish all this by saturday morning. What am I gonna do dad? You said you were gonna take me to pizza hut for my birthday that day. Oh no, it's your mother and her boyfriend rick. You said you would take the boy to pizza hut, did you not? Hey dr Wiley, you need help. **** hath no fury like a woman scorned for sidekicks. Oh wow, mobs so strong and that is exactly why I fell in love with her. But rick, you don't understand. I have to finish these construction plans by saturday morning or else the boss is gonna have my balls in a grinder. You should have thought about that before. You promised the boy a trip to his favorite dining establishment, so screw your construction plans and take the boy out rick. I love you, I love you too, Martha. All right, listen up everybody. We got a couple of determined parents coming down here to celebrate their little kids birthday party, They do not look happy they share. Don't bill, I want everyone to be on their best behavior and show them what we're all about down here at pizza. Well, I don't know if we have any more happy meals but my will to try for you. Gus I'll do anything for you. You're the coolest happy meals is Mcdonald's little bro, but that's alright. I like your attitude. We must hurry. The guests will be here at any minute. Right on old man, let's do it