John Basler - ELearning Demo



Various samples of different Elearning personas.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM) North American (US Midwest- Chicago, Great Lakes)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, kids got some rules for you about bus safety because bus safety starts with you every morning and afternoon first be on time for the bus if you don't wanna be late to school. Right. Well, maybe you do. So today we're going to progress from one exercise to the next and we're only gonna rest about 15 to 20 seconds for each exercise. You want to pick a way that you feel like you could do somewhere between 15 and 30 reps. If you push really hard, elevating diversity means recognizing and appreciating the unique qualities. Each of us brings we like to think of them as dimensions of difference. These differences influence how each of us think, see the world approach our work and relate to others. I totally understand your frustration. Omnicore is a great place to work, but being a new hire can be a bit overwhelming. I suggest you also tap into Omnicore hefty navigational portal. So you're ready to do your next home improvement project and you wanna work on flooring. The first step to a successful tile or other floor covering installation is a flat subfloor by using level Quick Rs, you'll help eliminate lipp or unevenness between tiles and cracks in tile or grout. Hedgehogs have a unique diet of insects that's not quite easy to replicate in captivity, but you can give them a stable diet. A store bought specially formulated hedgehog kibble. The Kibbles have mashed up insects along with vitamins and minerals for creating a balanced diet. Migration involves backup and restore operations that could drastically increase the load of your server. When migrating from Linux allow TCP connections to port 22 SSH. In this module, you'll gain valuable information about your rights and responsibilities in the workplace. Let's get started with protected classes. Select the protected classes button to learn more.