Voice Over for Commercial Sales Video

Profile photo for John Kostohryz
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


It was a challenge to precisely overlay my voice over with portions of this video.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
another day in the glorious world of work from home. Another email, Let me ask you this, are you tired of being cooped up inside? Look outside, uh the open air, the inviting blue skies people, ah all that will have you thinking? I wish I could be them. Well, get back to your screen then. Look for the best bike shop in town. Get over there by yourself. A bike by her one too. Plan a riding date. Have yourself a sip of coffee now that you're a morning person too. Start writing. Oh, she loved it. Get back online. Go to one bike avenue dot com by yourself. The gear. You need be impressed by their selection by a few more. Go overboard. Go on a cycle ation. Now you're ready to be labeled a gearhead couple. Let her show you her wish list. Now she won't go anywhere without those bikes. Congratulations. You figured it out. You work at home. But you live out here. One bike avenue. More butts on bikes.