Streaming Teaser demo: The Ghost of Abigail Beckwith

Movie Trailers


Wrote, recorded, edited and delivered demo. BG score 'Little Pleasures' by Setuniman.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
In a realm between the living and the departed lies a tale of love loss and the eternal echoes of the past. Meet Abigail Beckwith. She's beautiful. She's sad. She lives in a centuries old mansion and she's dead. Almost 300 years ago. Tragedy struck the Beckwith family. Our beautiful Abigail, a young woman with dreams of a future filled with joy. Had her world shattered John, her beloved fiance lost his life in a fateful hunting accident, leaving Abigail with a void that could never be filled, consumed by grief and haunted by memories. Abigail made a fateful decision that would forever bind her spirit to this desolate place. She took her own life leaping to her death from the roof of this mansion, hoping to reunite with her love in the afterlife. Poor guy. That's not a recipe for a reunion. That's a surefire way to entrap your soul in a forever prison of limbo now trapped between worlds. The ghost of Abigail Beckwith wanders these halls, seeking solace and redemption, but at least she's not alone. Visitors to the mansion have encountered Abigail's reckless spirit caught between despair and a flicker of hope with each revelation they peel back the layers of Abigail's life, unveiling a story steeped in sorrow and longing as they delve deeper into the mysteries of the past. They discover that Abigail's spirit yearns for closure. A chance to finally find peace in this tragic tale of love and loss. Can the living actually help the departed find solace? We're gonna find out, join us as we embark on a journey to uncover the secrets that bind the past and the present together with a Ouija board. Prepare to be captivated by the melancholy whispers of a love story that transcends time. Come with us to the inner sanctum of this haunted mansion and talk to Abigail yourself remotely. Of course, Abigail is pretty, but she's 300 years old and she's had centuries to grow angry. Join our stream and see for yourself. We'll leave the door open for you. 99.