Videogame Demo - John Worsham



This Video Game Demo displays a variety of Non-Player Characters (NPC) that the player may encounter during game play. You'll hear the game play instructioneer, The Battle Commander, Orc antagonist, and the self-serving crony halfwit all help move the story along while engaging with the player.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US West Coast - California, Portland) North American (US Western)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Welcome aboard recruit. Let me take a look at you. Well, now, when we asked for reinforcements, we were hoping for something with a little experience. Look at you, nard, you, come here, you run your mouth. You think you're better than everyone else, but you only human. It's an air ship, Ramirez on me. Alright, kid, Here's the plan. After our shields regenerate, we're gonna hit him on the left with plasma grenades, then I'll cover you while you take out that cannon, that rail gun. Hey, listen, you you can do this o ******. You scared the **** out of me, man. What? I didn't say anything. Mhm. Hey, come on the man, D'Angelo. I don't want any trouble. Look, look out the window. No cops, no D. A. It's just me. I just want what I came for and I'm gone, okay, mm hmm.