Animation Character Demo 1

Profile photo for Jon Alpha
Not Yet Rated


A diverse sample of character voices from heroic to villainous, quirky to gravely, and others.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Come on. If you want to beat me, you gotta be faster than that. Huh? You're too slow. Behold. It's taken many years to accumulate these rare artifacts. And now I get to add you to my collection. Hold on a minute. I just need to recalibrate these servos and a presto. A perfect cup of coffee. Ah, out of the way. Hair ball. Hey. Whats where you're stepping? Ouch, huh? What's the matter with you? My tail. Oh, you stepped on my tail. Well, if you just moved out of the way, I'll move you out of the way. It's elementary. My dear Watson. Judging by the butter cream stains on the shirt and the cake crumbs in his beer. The culprit is none other than I'm the sole protector of this island. And if you're here looking for trouble, you better back off now. Or else you're gonna get a beating. Let them come. When they do, we will crush them totally and mercilessly.