Soncipond Gaming Voicereel

Profile photo for Jon Millington
Not Yet Rated

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Ripley. Taylor is hurt. She was injured by debris during the crossing. I can't move her. I need medical supplies. We lied to treat and pack the injury. You need to get here now. I've seen one of the spirits with my very own eyes. When it Glad bay, I swear it burned right through my soul. They seem to be sticking to the barrow. I think they're guarding it. You heard what Boudicca said. We scout, we set traps. We stay alert. We got reports of Roman activity all over this region. If you hear anything, anything, raise the alarm. All right, boys. This is the big one. Our orders are to punch through the German lines. Destroying artillery positions as we go after that will advance on the French town of camera. You think you have memories? The farm, A family, an aeroplane. And then this place was there really a family? Did that aeroplane crash or was it forced down? Buy something less than a man. No, no, no. It's nothing like that. It was before all that. You remember during the war, I did some very bad things. Bad things happen to us. I was very young and very angry. Maybe that is no excuse. I slew most of them. The last one got away. No grain. I need your art gun. I'll head up to street level and keep after him. You two go that way and head him off. Hurry! Don't lose it. I am the most attractive man in a ll The kingdom. I look so good. It's almost obscene. A split. And this is a catastrophe Before us stands the might of the dark Spohn horde gaze upon them now but fear that I'm not for for Ellen, for the grey one.