Truck AD - nostalgic, warm, American, manly, gruff - vocal fry, TV

Television Ad


Jordan's voice is down-to-earth and gritty, exuding authenticity and relatability. It is rugged, real, and resonant, capturing the raw essence of everyday life. When he speaks, it feels like a genuine, unfiltered connection, perfect for relatable, authentic projects.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This old girls been with me longer than I can remember. She's been with me in the good times and bad carried me over mountains, deserts across the plains. I remember the day I bought her fresh off a lot when I was just a kid. I knew she was the one for me. I've spent countless hours in that cab. Just me and her rolling down the highway. Nothing but the wind in our faces. Radio on the dial. It's not just memories the way she makes me feel. I'm behind the wheel. I'm invincible. She's my partner, my friend. No matter where life takes me. I know she'll always be there ready to take me wherever I need to go.