Janet Stead - Video Narration (Believable, Conversational)

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Warm, understanding, believable and conversational. This is ad deals with the COVID-19 anxiety that everyone feels - and offers a calm and understanding voice.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (Canadian-General) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
anxiety and fear about Cove in 19 is everywhere. It is natural and normal, and it's okay to feel scared. But you also have to recognize that if you just stay in that emotion, it reduces our immune system. It makes us more susceptible and it takes us out of our thinking brain into that reactive brain which we don't want to be in right now. We need to be strategic and calm, so fear is going to be normal and we need to experience it, but then let it pass and then work towards trying to stay calm. Our bodies will really help us out here. So when we start to feel anxiety in our body, our heart rate gets going. We feel shaky, nervous and symptoms of fatigue just generally really feeling overwhelmed and tired or poor concentration. A lot of these air signals that were probably taking on too much. And it's time for some self care time to unplug from the topic or the news, or really just take care of ourselves. Our body and mind are connected, so when we take care of one, we take care of the other