Video Game Demo Reel



Video Game Demo Reel recorded in home studio. Directed by video game veteran, Jason Simpson. Produced by Christine Church at Audiogator productions. Enjoy!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
You're finally here. I've been waiting a long time for this commander. Come on. Let's see what you got. Come closer, child. Don't be afraid to look straight into my eyes. Are you afraid of what you might see? I will protect you. If you stay with me, you will be safe. Kill confirmed. Told you I'd take down that MAC. I face the unknown future for the first time. With a sense of hope. If a machine, a terminator can learn the value of human life and maybe we can to prepare yourself for a real fight. Your time has come. Valhalla await. You know Blanka. We have to protect the forest. This is our home. Don't you understand? Please don't make me do this. These bugs are nocturnal predators. Stronger, faster and Nina at night. Lock and load. Let's light this place.