Pacific Islander Demo - Justin Cabanting

Profile photo for Justin Cabanting
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Featuring accents and pidgin dialects native to the Pacific Islands (i.e. Hawaii, American Samoa, New Zealand), this demo features casual/tribal narration/and commercial notes familiar to those who from the islands.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


Filipino (Tagalog) Hawaiian New Zealand


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey! Hello, Her brother. How's it? Hey, good to see you. Hey, you're making your world famous. Holy Holy chicken, Right. Your dish. That's so Oh, no. I broke the mouth. Hey, hey, come on. Let's go inside to two is waiting for you. We were voyages once, and our weaknesses do not define who we are. Our strengths do the four main gods also known as Aqua or Coup Connie Low No. And Kana Loa. Then there are many lesser gods called capoeira. In addition to the gods and goddesses, there are family gods or guardians known as a Makua. The many gods of Hava and Polynesia were often represented by Tiki's tiki. Statues were carved to represent the image of a certain God. And as an embodiment of that specific gods, mana or power, treat yourself to a fresh loaf of King's Hawaiian now serving at brand keys at Poipu Beach.