Commercial Demo

Video Narration


I contributed to this demo by selecting the products featured in it and writing scripts for them. I then worked with my vocal coach to make adjustments to the copy as needed leading up to the date of recording.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Here's the deal. When I have breakfast I try to have something that really emphasizes the breaking of the fast. That's why I eat the breakfast. Bacon ator from Wendy's complete with grilled sausage, american cheese, applewood, smoked bacon and that's just to start off Wendy's don't just break your fast, destroy it intuitively yours respectfully. Everyone's the Volvo XC 90. Recharge plug in hybrid is engineered for powerful driving. It won't just protect your family, it'll protect their future. All electric. Although although my girlfriend and I have quite a few furry companions living with us, we rely on chewy dot com to get our orange tabby thin and are Goofy bulldog Harley. Everything they need and a fine selection of toys and these two have a lot of them here at fighter. Our purpose is clear, creating breakthroughs that change patients lives. Fizer health and wellness. Hey guys, you need a beer that doesn't just rock. You need something that rolls with your good taste. That's why I drink Rolling rock with only the finest malted barley and blend of hops that'll really rock your world. The vibe. Cosmos. Elite headset is a must have with its immersive graphics and accurate motion control. Don't just play the game Live it champions and record breakers. Everything they did was rooted in sport. It's essential to every culture and society and its core to our happiness. Adidas