

Sample from audiobook The Sultan

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I started writing this book in 2020 in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic times were tough. The whole world shut down. The number of deaths was increasing to unprecedented numbers daily. The pandemic provided disruption of social life and caused economic distress. I was in a very critical financial situation. I'm the breadwinner for my family. My son was a year old. I was petrified for my little family at the same time. I could not stay home and not work as a car sales consultant. The nature of my work is commission only and sales were affected dramatically. I stood alone outside the dealership for four hours on a daunting, sweltering day waiting to talk to one customer. But unfortunately that didn't happen. I felt Dolores. I missed my wife and son very much. I ask myself, is this the end of the world? What if I get sick and die? What will happen to my little family? To kill time? I was on my phone looking for answers. I went through my facebook feed, nothing but bad news. And then someone posted about the death of a former colleague. Rick. Rick didn't die from Covid 19. He killed himself. The news shook me. It broke my heart. Rick was a wonderful person with a big heart. Everyone loved him. He worked as a finance manager and he was great at it. Rick was in an ideal financial situation. And before the pandemic, he moved to texas for a better offer. I'm sure he didn't kill himself because of financial distress in the car business. Finance managers are at the top of the pyramid. Unlike salespeople who are at the bottom of it, salespeople are like migrant workers in sweatshops, sweatshops, our workplaces where workers are employed at low wages under unhealthy or oppressive conditions and long hours. I remember Rick before he killed himself, posted that he planned a trip to visit his family and friends and the trip was canceled due to COVID-19 I believe Rick killed himself because he was suffering from depression and at a particular moment dying seemed like the only way out.