Character Demo

Profile photo for Kaitlyn Walker
Not Yet Rated


A collection of various character voices.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, I'm rosie a rescue from South Dakota. In that case allow me to introduce myself. I am described Jamison the brotherhood's archivist. Can't get your tongue like my singing sweet dreams. You're so cute when you're dead copy that atlas, you're cleared for travel. So yeah, I'll be going to get the new Gucci bag after class today. So excited. I need emergency assistance and we need it quick. It's my son. But ain't that the thing though? Life is one big joke and death. That's the punchline and it's kind of my job to deliver the punch lines around here. Welcome everyone. My name is Miss Tory and I'll be your homeroom teacher. And if you trust in my plan, you'll surely get what's coming to you. Have I ever let you down before? Try to catch me when I've covered in grease.