Meghan Markle and Divorce in the Royal Family, Explained - By Vanity Fair and Kal Mansoor



A humorous look at Meghan Markle and Divorce in the Royal Family.
By Vanity Fair and Kal Mansoor

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Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) British (England - South East - Oxford, Sussex) British (General)


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Meghan Markle on divorce in the Royal Family explained, as the political relevance of the British royal throne diminishes the spectacle surrounding each royal wedding roads from Charles and Diana, Toe William and Kate's now Harry and Meghan. The world is captivated by these nuptials in a way that few other events can manage. 23 million Americans watched the last royal wedding, compared to the 17 million who watched. Prince Charles married Diana, 3.65 million Who watched Charles marry Camilla? Sure, that's far less than the 103 million Americans who watched the 2018 Super Bowl, but more than double the amount you tuned in to watch. ABC is American Idol. But all things considered, the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle is different from the rest. Because with this union, the royal family officially enters the modern era. No other time could an American person of colour, who was also a Catholic divorcee, be so openly welcomed into the royal family. The biggest hang up here is divorce, far less taboo outside the gates of Buckingham Palace. Divorce is just one of those things that the throne was reluctant to embrace until about 20 years ago, a member of the royal family could not marry someone if they were divorced on their former spouse was still alive. That led to a few grim chapters in history, and we'll get to that in a moment. As for Miss Markle, though, her ex husband, television producer Trevor Engel, soon is very much alive and well. So again, a mere two decades ago, Harry and Megan's Love would be more Romeo and Juliet than Cinderella. Now, to address those grim chapters in history, we have to go back to the mid 16th century, that hole You shall not marry a divorced person whose ex spouse is still alive. It became a thing because King Henry, the eighth, a notorious philanderer, needed to legitimise his many marriages in pursuit of a male heir to the throne. Katherine of Aragon, a Catholic, couldn't provide this service to the king. And after Pope Clement, the seventh, refused to annul the marriage because divorce wasn't a thing. Back then, King Henry did what any king would do and started his own church, enter the Church of England and the English Reformation. Also, he could officially have Children with his former mistress and Berlin, that is, until they couldn't have kids. So naturally, Henry had her beheaded, which set off a series of events to the tune off marrying Wife number three, which lasted more than a year but ended with her death just two weeks after giving birth to her son. On Henry's only male heir. Head with six, marrying wife number four, then annulling the marriage because, well, she wasn't up to his standards, marrying wife number five, beheading her on marrying wife number six before finally dying himself. Talk about moral hazard. Henry, the eighth, found every reason to get rid of his wives if they weren't serving a higher purpose. But his favourite was an accusation of adultery. This is perhaps the earliest instance off the pot calling the kettle black this landmark decision by King Henry to start anew and found a church set off centuries worth of unfortunate unions encapsulating in affair, riddled, arranged and, at times incestuous marriages. Fast forward to the roaring twenties, a time of overindulgence, flappers and prosperity on the romance is off. The monarchy mirrored this anarchy, but divorce was still beyond the pale. King Edward, the eighth unrelenting love of American socialite Wallis Simpson proved to be a minor scandal in and of itself. But to make things significantly worse, Simpson was twice divorced. Twenties and thirties were times of transition. But the hidebound British establishment was loath to make a concession of this magnitude and accept an American divorce. A As a Windsor, Edward had barely taken the throne when he was pressured to abdicate. That is, if his desire to love overcame his desire to rule. Edward felt strongly enough about Wallace that he felt he could not fulfil his duties without the support of the quote. Woman I love true love may have won out in this case if you turn a blind eye to the various unconfirmed rumours of infidelity by Wallace, exhausted by the Second World War and stripped of its colonies. The 19 fifties were a different time in London, and it was Princess Margaret who was a true reflection of this change. Margaret fell in love with a former war captain on divorce, a Peter Townsend, whom she intended to wet. However, the sister, who happened to be Queen of England, declared their romance unfit for the Windsor family. It's important to note that town's ends ex wife was still alive at the time. Overall, the 19 fifties were tough period for the British monarchy, as various members of the Labour Party sought to cut funding for the crown. While the tabloids continue to run headlines capturing royal family members in scandal, Queen simply refused to let Hostess to become one of those headlines. But if the fifties were bad, the nineties were worse. Elizabeth daughter Princess Anne went through a brutal divorce, and Elizabeth son and daughter in law Fergie, had their dirty laundry exposed to the masses as photos of a partially closed Fergie and a man who was not her husband made the tabloids, but nothing compared to Charles and Diana. When he tell Diana her true Storey was published, it shocked even the gutter press. The marriage of the century had unravelled like a and it became apparent that Charles had never stopped loving and sleeping with the woman he had always loved. Married Camilla Parker Bowles. It appears Diana, never truly one child's heart with love for the people's princess was very real, and Charles is divorce from Diana, played out in public so brutally that the royal family was forced to rethink its stance on the matter in 2000 to the Church of England finally sanctioned divorce in royal marriages. It had taken five centuries, numerous beheadings and countless broken hearts for the British monarchy. To implement this change in 2005 Charles finally got his wish marrying Camilla Parker Bowles on. That brings us to Meghan Markle, who will join the royal family with just a CZ much spectacle but fire less drama than her predecessors. With no pressure to provide an heir to the throne. No mistress and waiting on the shame of divorce vanquished, Megan's marriage to Prince Harry ushers in a new era ofthe royal weddings.