Keaton - Mom - Friendly - Warm - Positive - Upbeat - Informative

Video Narration


An ad for a Daycamp with a Mom voiceover that's Friendly - Warm - Positive - Upbeat - Conversational - Informative.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Sometimes younger kids don't get enough credit, but it avid for adventure. We know they're ready. Ready for their first taste of outdoor adventure. Supported and inspired by the most qualified instructors, kids experience smaller scale versions of our signature adventure. Sports are full day Explorer camp for campers entering kindergarten through first grade helps kids build confidence through trying new outdoor pursuits. Pursuits like paddling in a kayak, getting comfortable on two wheels through a thoughtful biking progression. Exploring the natural world on a short hike and paddling as a team in a canoe. Each day of the week, campers will participate in a new outdoor adventure sport for half of the day to balance out their adventures. During the other half of the day, they'll do yoga, art or music. We also offer a discovery program for kids entering pre K in select locations in Colorado, California with on site adventure programming. Are you ready for your child to experience empowering and confidence building outdoor adventures? Sign up today at avid for dot com