English e-Learning Reel

Profile photo for Kelly Borbridge
Talent Online

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (Canadian - West) North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Why should you watch this video? Over the next few minutes, we're gonna introduce you to some core concepts to help you fulfill your role during change. Effectively, this series of micro learns is aimed it empowering you as a manager to lead through change. Making the experience positive for our associates are business. And, of course, for you, too. Insights to behavior is an exciting new Web based solution to help school psychologists, special education directors, general education teachers, special education teachers and support staff to create an implement, effective behavior interventions for at risk tier two students and tier three students that don't require one toe one support. Here I can see that the application is returning an error because the application is trying to get the content of the file and use that as a dynamic value inside the template, which is breaking the template syntax. Basically, I was able to read the file, but the application is crashing because the contents of the file that is being interpreted as part of the template is not in the correct syntax for that template. Engine, a social enterprise sells products or service is to earn a revenue while also achieving a social or environmental goal, like a catering business that provides job training for at risk youth, or an after school art program that uses its profits to bring programs to underserved communities. The best thing for your career is a long string of happy customers eager to recommend you because you did the right thing by them and for the project. This goodwill will serve you orders of magnitude better than the latest shiny object in the latest shiny language or the latest shiny paradigm.