Animation Demo



Cartoon - Video Game - Heartfelt - Sassy - Mean - Character work - versatile - dynamic - comedic - comedic timing - Neutral American - Anime - Believable - Confident - Sassy - Character - Animated - playful - young adult - leader - wacky - zany - energetic - grounded - believable - dramatic -

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
no, man, I totally get it. It's pretty scary, but the first step always is. So that's why I'm going to give you a little push. You'll thank me later. No, you've been saying from the start. We trust Peter. Things will be fine And look where that's gotten us. He's double checking every single thing. Wait Dio, and it's you keep saying that I wouldn't do something like that. Has it ever occurred to you that maybe you don't know me as well as you think you dio? The only mistake you've ever made is trusting May. I don't deserve your friendship. I'm not just capable as I watch Waas, but I could give it a go. Alex's a Mastic. Osama Rather showed that didn't work on. And that cannot happen without securing the demon realm. The people will be liberated. There is no way forward without muddying one's hands. And if I do not make that sacrifice, who will