Character Demo

Profile photo for Mike Mathewson
Not Yet Rated


Character Demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hey, wait, please don't leave yet. I'm sorry. I know it doesn't make a lot of sense, but you deserve to know the truth. My tough bad boy exterior actually hides a soft heart and heartbreaking backstory. That will only further endear you to me. I hope you'll understand why I lied now. I was just afraid of feeling again. I've never been a betting man, but in the past week I've gambled my life more times than I can count. It all started when I met this girl And I use that term lightly considering she's a 37 year old man named Kevin was at my regular gambling joint when he walked in. You look nervous probably because he had eyes on him. My eyes, he's gorgeous. We're getting dinner next thursday. Mhm. I'm going to tell you a little story about an upstart like yourself, way in over their head, melting off to the wrong people. You see it ends with that little ****, six ft under. Understand me kid. Stay in your lane if you like breathing and watch your back. Oh my that was less than pleasant. Hmm. Well, it appears we are trapped 70 km below the surface. So we have only two options. The way I see it, we can stay here with clenched buttocks is and dwindling air supply and definitely die or we can venture onward. Try to find a way through the cave system and only probably die. Any other ideas. No, onward. Then